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Warrior Blog: Mirror Mirror March Edition

Hello everyone! If you’re new here, today marks the first day of the most special month of the year (at least for me).


Let me give you the rundown on what it is and

why it is so special. In 2017, I created a social media campaign called Mirror Mirror March, modeled after the six steps I created toward overcoming bullying guided by the acronym “M.I.R.R.O.R”. Every day for the month of March, I highlighted a person or group of people who were integral in my healing journey from bullying. As the years went on, it transformed into the modern day “campaign” we know and a collaboration with my adolescent training and mentoring program, Kaycee’s Warriors. It began by encouraging my sister titleholders (shoutout Miss AZ girls) to wear purple and post on social media, sharing a message of why they are happy to be alive and why suicide is #NotAnOption. Now in 2023, it has expanded even more than I could ever imagine, reaching titleholders, family members, friends, and community members nationally.

Each year, the number of participants grows exponentially and I am hoping this year will have the biggest turnout yet. I am doing something I have never done before–a sponsored giveaway! Stay tuned on my social media platforms for more details.

This campaign is the highlight of my year, specifically as a titleholder, because I get to engage more people. Social media is one of, if not the most powerful tool for social behavior change. If people are bombarded with messaging about suicide not

being an option, it will penetrate their subconscious mind and they will start to believe it and act in ways that support that. While social media is a great tool for campaigns like mine, it can be a dark and scary place. 60% of adolescents admit to having been bullied online, while a whopping 87% say they have seen or observed cyberbullying. Because of these statistics and my personal experience, I make it my mission to not only maintain a positive presence on social media platforms, but provide tools and strategies for all who are involved in bullying (hint, it is literally everyone).

If you are reading this, I encourage you to grab your purple shirt (or dress, or socks, or sunglasses, or makeup, or whatever) and post a photo on your feed or story sharing why you are happy to be alive using the hashtag, #NotAnOption. Be sure to tag @KayceesWarriors and @MissCowleyCountyKS so you can qualify for the giveaway and I can repost your message.

It’s go time! Let’s make this campaign the biggest one yet. Eventually, I want at least 1 post in each state for the campaign and so far we are almost halfway there. The biggest journeys begin with one step, so take your step today and get posting!




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