Hi Warriors!
I know it’s been a while since I’ve produced a blog, and to be fully transparent this month has not been the easiest. I am on bed rest with a sprained ankle, so I figured it would be perfect to spend some quality time with you guys.
What do I do when life seems to fall apart? I get asked this question a lot, and you know what I’m about to say. Social media only shows the fun, smiling curated posts. It doesn’t show me spraining my ankle, the girl who told me it was “bold” of me to wear something different than everyone else at an event, the days where I feel like I’m never doing enough, and the days where I feel like I don’t really have anyone. Yes, I’m human and my life falls apart quite often.
This is what I do when life seems to fall apart.
I pick up the pieces. I control what I can control and leave the other parts be. So I’m in bed icing my ankle this week and feel extremely upset that I can’t do the things I want (and also the amount I’m spending on DoorDash but we aren’t going to talk about that). What can I control? I can catch up on the classes I’m missing from home, I can watch a show or movie I haven’t had the time for, I can work on Miss Kansas stuff, and I can simply exist and cut myself slack. Are you as hard on yourself as I am? Do you also categorize days as ‘bad’ if you don’t hit 10,000 steps, don’t get straight As on every assignment, don’t get to the gym, don’t drink 64oz of water, don’t wash your face, don’t look presentable, and the list goes on…
If you constantly have those days where everything goes wrong, I guarantee that the universe does not have a vendetta against you. Your mind does. Until you change your mindset, you will be stuck in an endless loop of bad days (believe me, easier said than done, I am the queen of bad days).
I’m asking you to reflect on what you do when life seems to fall apart. Who is your safe person to go to? Who isn’t? When it seems like one thing after another is going wrong, remind yourself what you can control – and do just that.
PS if you’re reading this join my campaign and enter my giveaway. Please.